... Always seek mutual
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... Always seek mutual
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Talk GnosisValentinian Cosmology - the Fall and Redemption of Sophia
Sophia - last emanation of the Dodecad. Paired with Theletos (will, ordained, perfection) R. – The intense desire that Sophia had to reintegrate with the abyssal Silence, was stronger than the Power of emanation. She knew the Abyss of the Propator; she discerned the method of generating the Eons, and wanted to imitate this divine action. D. – What did the desire of Sophia produce? R. – The ardors of Sophia only succeeded in the creation of a formless being called Ektrôma. The Eons, at the sight of this, prostrated themselves at the Father’s feet to implore Him to rescue Sophia. D. – What are the other names of Ektrôma? R. – Enthymêsis or Sophia-Achamoth. -from the Catechism of the Eglise Gnostique Horos (the Limiter) also called Stauros (cross) is sent to her by the Father, and he preserves her from destruction and restores her to her first estate. The abortion she has brought forth — that formless substance to which she has given birth — is expelled by Horos from the Pleroma, and sinks into the Kenoma or empty space. Sophia-Achamoth, the lower Sophia is exiled to the Kenoma. By command of the Father, Nous and Aletheia hereupon bring forth by emanation two new Aeons — Christ and the Holy Spirit; these enlighten the other Aeons as to their relation with Bythos, and order is again restored among them. In the joy that follows, all the other Aeons produce in common a new Aeon of higher excellence, who is known by several names — Jesus, Soter, or Christ, and him they offer as a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Father. The Soter takes pity on that formless substance named Achamoth, the offspring of Sophia, which Horos has relegated to the Kenoma, and having given it essence and form, retires again within the Pleroma. As soon as Achamoth becomes sensible of the light which Christ has imparted to it, the desire springs up within it to enter into the Pleroma, but being hindered by Horos, it becomes the victim of fear, and sorrow, and want. In response to its petitions, the Pleroma sends the Aeon Jesus to deliver it from suffering, to rescue it from the Pathê (Fear, Sorrow, Want, Supplication), and to reconcile it with God. But for all this, it does not succeed in attaining to the Pleroma; it reaches no further than a sphere bordering on the Pleroma, separated from the latter by Horos and the Cross, and called the lower Ogdoas. Achamoth generates the Demiurge- a purely physical being with no knowledge of his parent. The Demiurge produces the sensible world, the matter of which is constituted by the Pathê which Jesus separated from Achamoth. The Pleroma forms the archetype for the Demiurgus in his labours; the sensible world is, accordingly, modelled after the Pleroma. But in this imitation the Demiurgus is an imitator unconsciously; he does not know the Pleroma, and cannot know it, for he is a purely physical being. The place of the Demiurgus is in heaven, below Achamoth; the earth is the habitation of the Demon. Man is a creation of the Demiurge. He is formed from matter (hylê), receives a soul (psychê) from the Demiurge, and a spirit (pneuma) from Achamoth. The nature of man is thus a compound formed of three elements, Body, Soul, and Spirit. The body of man was at first an ethereal nature, immaterial, and without difference of sex. It was only when man fell into sin that he was invested with a coarse material body. The spirit which Achamoth had implanted in him without knowledge of the Demiurge impelled man to raise himself above the latter. The Demiurge, with his angels, took alarm, and to keep man in subjection forbade him to eat of the tree of knowledge. Man disobeyed the command, and thereupon was driven from the ethereal region of Paradise into the coarse material sphere of this nether earth. Here he was invested with a material body. In this condition he is saved from complete subjection to matter only by the aid of Achamoth. The Law and the Prophets are from the Demiurge. He had promised a Messiah — but a Messiah of a psychical nature only. Man, endowed as he was with a spiritual nature, was not, however, to remain for ever under the dominion of the Demiurge. The Saviour, Jesus, descended from the Pleroma to make known to men the mysteries of the life of God, and to free them from the dominion of the Demiurge. For this end the man Jesus was formed from the three elements of human nature, Spirit, Soul, and Body, but in such wise that his body was not of coarse material constitution, but of ethereal form. This man came into the world, passing through the body of Mary as through a channel. In the ceremony of Baptism he united himself with the Aeon, Jesus, and remained in union with him till the trial before Pilate. At this point he abandoned him and returned into the Pleroma. (Other Valentinians taught that the Aeon, Jesus, was united with the man Jesus from the time of the conception of the latter). Jesus came into the world to redeem men; that is to say, to reveal to them the divine mysteries, and to free them from subjection to the Demiurge; but all do not participate in this redemption. The Valentinians distinguish three classes of men, the Hylics, the Psychics, and the Pneumatics. The Hylics are wholly outside the region of the higher life, the spirit is not imparted to them in any degree, they have, therefore, no existence after death. The Psychics, on the other hand (i.e., the members of the Church who are content with mere faith), although they do not participate in the spirit, and are subject to the dominion and to the law of the Demiurge, yet if they fulfil this law, and wage the fight against matter, and practise good works, may after death attain to the kingdom of the Demiurge. But the Pneumatics, i.e., the Gnostics, have been made partakers of the spirit by Jesus; they rise above faith to the Gnosis; in the Gnosis they have knowledge of the mysteries of the Pleroma, and the knowledge leads to supreme happiness. After death they return to Achamoth their mother. There is no resurrection of the body. When the course of this world is run, Achamoth and all the spirits of the Pneumatics that are associated with her, return again to the Pleroma; the spirits mingle with the angels, to whom they are united connubially, and with whom their existence is thenceforward continued. The Demiurge, with the souls that belong to him, ascends to the realm previously inhabited by Achamoth. As for the nether material world, the fire which was latent in matter bursts forth and entirely consumes it, and nothing is left but the Pleroma and the kingdom of the Demiurge. Download the charts here: http://bit.ly/valentiniancosmology NewsBulgaria’s claim to have unearthed six bones belonging to John the Baptist has received a boost from scientists who have concluded after dating them and analyzing their genetic code that they could indeed be relics of the man who baptized Jesus. The remains, which include a molar and a piece of cranium, were found in July 2010 in a marble sarcophagus in the ruins of a medieval church on the island of Sveti Ivan, or Saint John, off Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast near the resort of Sozopol. They are on display in a church in Sozopol where thousands of worshippers have flocked to view them, untroubled by questions about their authenticity. Higham’s team dated a knuckle-bone to the first century AD, when John the Baptist would have lived, while geneticist colleagues from the University of Copenhagen established the full DNA code of three of the bones. The genetic analysis showed that the bones were from the same person, a man who most probably came from the Middle East. Higham, who is an atheist, said that it was obviously impossible to say with any certainty that the remains belonged to John the Baptist. But it could not be ruled out. “I’m much less skeptical than I was at the beginning. I think there’s possibly more to it. But I’d like to find out more,” he told Reuters on Friday. from http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/06/15/us-britain-bulgaria-bones-idINBRE85E0U220120615 Happy Birthday to Mar Iohannes IV, Shaun McCann, Patriarch of the Apostolic Johannite Church If you’re in the Boston area, join St Sarah’s Parish on Saturday, 14 July for the beginning of a new series “Primeval Source: Platonism & the Gnostic Experience.” The Johannite Gnostic Mass begins at 5 p.m., followed by this lecture and discussion at 6 p.m. at 21 Maple Street, Arlington, Massachusetts. for more information see: Johannite Practice book fundraiser has passed 50% with two weeks left to go! All donations received on Friday, July 13th (in honor of the Knights Templar) will be matched (up to a total of $300) by the Rose Croix Parish of the Johannite Church. http://johannitepractice.chipin.com/finishing-the-johannite-practice-book The Sethians
Sethians considered themselves to be the “seed of Seth,” the third son of Adam and Eve; the Seed of Seth was the section of humanity that had received Gnosis and would thus have a different fate than the offspring of Cain and Abel. They also referred to themselves as “the generation of Seth”, or “the immoveable race.”
The Apocryphon of John gives the most complete expression of the Gnostic worldview. It contains a classic Gnostic myth that has been Christianized by editorial revisions and the insertion of a Christian frame story.
News (+TL)
VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican newspaper reported Tuesday that 29 previously unpublished homilies said to be the work of one of the most important and prolific early church fathers have been discovered in a German library. The 3rd Century theologian Origen of Alexandria is considered to have played a critical role in the development of Christian thought. Pope Benedict XVI, himself a theologian, dedicated two of his 2007 weekly church teaching sessions to the importance of Origen’s life and work. Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano said that despite Origen’s importance, few of his original texts remain in part because he was condemned by the Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 553.
Meet the Early Gnostics
News (AS+)
Content recap of last week, intro to this week
but it is difficult to tell how much of this might be historical and how much is merely a political ploy to blame the origin of Gnosticism on a notorious character from the book of Acts.
Preview of “Meet the Early Gnostics” 2012.06.06
We’re talking about Simon Magus, Carpocrates and Basilides. These were some really interesting folks hanging out in the desert about 2000 years ago and we geek out about them pretty hard. Cosmogonies! Don’t miss it. Gnosis and Classical Gnosticism
Here are our rough notes for the first episode of Talk Gnosis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfauTGcUopc Tonight we discuss the definition of Gnosis and the classical Gnostics; what they have in common, what they thought about the world, and what stories they told about themselves. Ancient Gnosticism: Traditions And Literature by Birger A. Pearson The Gnostics: History*Tradition*Scriptures by Andrew Phillip Smith The Gnostic Scriptures: A New Translation with Annotations and Introductions - Bentley Layton email us your comments and questions to [email protected], or leave them in the Comments section below. http://gnosticnyc.com | [email protected] Join our mailing list: http://bit.ly/Kdmyq6 YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/GnosticNYC Google+: https://plus.google.com/102584274018929296998/posts Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GnosticNYC Twitters @GnosticNYC @TauThomas @AnthonySilvia Commonalities among classical Gnostic theologies/ Working definition of Gnosis Now the archon (ruler) who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas (“fool”), and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, “I am God and there is no other God beside me,” for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.
The Catechism of the Gnostic Church describes it thusly:
of who we were, of what we have become; of where we were, of wherein we have been cast; of whereto we speed, of wherefrom we are redeemed; of what birth truly is, and of what rebirth truly is.”
Classical Gnosticism
May 30th, 2012 9pm Eastern on our YouTube and Google+ pages. Our first three episodes of Talk Gnosis will be about classical Gnosticism. We will cover the basics of what the first Gnostics believed and practiced, along with more detailed discussions of the Sethians and Valentinians. Send us your questions or comments to [email protected] or Tweet us @GnosticNYC #talkgnosis
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