' Only One Thing Counts in This World: The ' True Good Will ', The Good Karma;
and it Will carry the fruits of its works to the next life ... '
and it Will carry the fruits of its works to the next life ... '
The union of a Soul with Spirit, in a Form ( flesh ); produces Consciousness
' The Son aspect '.
' The Son aspect '.
..." The Pleroma Most High Father IS Love "... " The Pleroma Most High Father Loves All Equally "...
Esoteric Christianity as it appears before and after 5th century AD; NON Biblical writings!
Select from: 142 title(s).
YHVH Elohim YHVH Elohenu ... id#217
Sophia” indicates this directly, speaking of God, the True Light, as the “First Commandment,” and Christ as the emanation of the First Commandment; hence, as the emanation of Anoki Yahweh Elohenu.
If we unde ...
The Consummation ... id#222
Sophia clothed with them awaits the consummation of the world. Her own final salvation takes place when all the pnuematic (spiritual) elements in the world have been "formed" by knowledge and perfected. Then ...
Secrets of the Sethian Monad ... id#227
Sophia. Meaning Understanding, discernment, enlightenment, erudition, insight, intelligence, judgment, learning, sense. To be wise, ”having intelligence and knowledge.” (See Harper Collins, ”Dictionary, and The ...
The Gnostic Genesis: Eleleth’s Revelation ... id#486
Sophia, who is called Pistis, wanted to create something, alone, without her partner, and what she created was celestial. A veil exists between the world above and the realms below, and shadow came into being b ...
Sophia [GCS 45] 108.37ff). This three-fold coming, a particular concrete instance of the principle of ongoing revelation, belongs somehow within the framework of four universal epochs. Probably what is meant is ...
Mary Magdalene ... id#233
Sophia, Mary is the most outstanding student of Jesus, the chief questionnaire who gives the most insightful answers.
2) Mary Thrives in a World of Androcentric Language and Patriarchal Rules. A perfect ex ...
The Reality of the Rulers ... id#234
Sophia. She established each of his offspring in conformity with its power, after the pattern of the realms that are above, for by starting from the invisible world the visible world was invented.
As incor ...
Gnostic Lexicon ... id#240
Sophia, Logos, and the other high principles are aeons.
Agape; Unconditional love. A love that stems from the ability of the initiate to see the divine spark in all life.
Agnoia; Literally "ignorance" or ...
Jesus-Logos-Christos ... id#242
Sophia, the Divine Intellect, with the Nazarene sect it was the Female Spiritus, the astral light, the genetrix of all things of matter, the chaos in its evil aspect, made turbido by the Demiurge. At the creati ...
Gnostic Q, M-R ... id#44
Sophia - for Wisdom, Achamoth, Pistis etc.
- The Elect - for the Gnostics, Pneumatics, Chosen ones, sons of Seth etc.
- All quotations are from the standard translations of th ...
Reading Plan for the Nag Hammadi Codices ... id#117
Sophia Mythos not found elsewhere.
9 1st Apocalypse of James
V, 3
p 260
Apoc Jas
10 Apocryphon of James
I, 2
Gnostic Q ... id#498
Sophia - for Wisdom, Achamoth, Pistis etc.
- The Elect - for the Gnostics, Pneumatics, Chosen ones, sons of Seth etc.
- All quotations are from the standard translations of th ...
Gnostic Q, G-L ... id#43
Sophia - for Wisdom, Achamoth, Pistis etc.
- The Elect - for the Gnostics, Pneumatics, Chosen ones, sons of Seth etc.
- All quotations are from the standard translations of th ...
Gnostic Q, A - Z ... id#515
Sophia - for Wisdom, Achamoth, Pistis etc.
- The Elect - for the Gnostics, Pneumatics, Chosen ones, sons of Seth etc.
- All quotations are from the standard translations of th ...
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" The Logos-Wisdom is the principle of all Divine and Esoteric Revelations.
She has the characteristics of being the indwelling revealer of God.
She IS the active principle and the transmitter of all Divine knowledge as well as
the Cosmological cause of All Creation. "